Hey Siri — help me out with plotting!
How do you plot a novel? Be the meanest mean that you can be. Torture your characters, never give them what they want, reward their good behavior with misfortune, and…
How do you plot a novel? Be the meanest mean that you can be. Torture your characters, never give them what they want, reward their good behavior with misfortune, and…
Everyone has their own process for writing. You won’t know what yours is until you start writing. Once you figure it out, don’t let anyone talk you out of it.…
A friend once asked me how to start writing. He’d done all his research, he’d written a pretty detailed outline. He felt like he was ready only…he just didn’t quite…
Create a character board. This is not a ‘do or die’ thing, but some people (like me) find them helpful. Whenever I read a magazine, I tear out images of…
Set a daily writing goal: time, word, page, scene…it doesn’t matter. Just set one and then don’t stop writing until you achieve it. There is a lot to be said…
Continuing this month's Christmas ideas, how about something for your favorite home-based athlete? Reflective strips are hit and miss and fluorescent vests don’t always go with the look. http://ow.ly/z09C50ji98K for…
This week in Christmas presents is dedicated to the sports fan. The ultimate in sports art, capturing those unforgettable moments and places http://ow.ly/pZJZ50ji8JM Wait. What? You’re not a Capitals’ hockey…
One of my favorite gift sources is the PBS store. Haven’t visited? You’re in for a treat! So many cool ideas under one cover in this sticker book: http://ow.ly/jlb950ji7VP and…
Hey Siri – Help me find some awesome Christmas gifts I’m happy to help, Busy Reader! If you've been following me on Twitter, you've seen me post a gift idea…
Christmas? In October?! What about Halloween? What about Thanksgiving? What about Columbus Day and Veterans Day? I decided December is a little too late to post my all my ideas.…