We’re different. We’re flawed. On the other hand, we’re much more like everyone else than we thought. But we’re still no closer to allowing ourselves to be heroic if keep listening to the lies we tell ourselves.
Have you ever really listened to yourself think? If you have, you’ll know you tell yourself lies all the time. They usually start off like this:
*I can’t
*I’m not
*I don’t
*I’ll never
*I’m just
*I’m so
The thing about lies is that the really good ones sound a lot like the truth. Take a look at these:
*I can’t manage to keep a diary for two days running; how could I ever hope to be a writer?
*I’m so shy, who would ever listen to me?
*I don’t think like everyone else does; what’s the point in saying anything at all?
Those are all lies I’ve told myself at one time or another. And half of all of those statements are the truth. I’ve never been able to keep a diary; I am shy; I don’t think like everyone else. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t become a writer or that no one would listen to me or that I didn’t have something worth saying. Those were just lies I told myself.
Why do tell ourselves things that aren’t true? That’s the interesting part! Come back tomorrow and find out.