I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings.
But seriously, there is actual research on creative people that indicates there are some things (like food or clothing choices) that creative people save energy on so that they can spend it on other things. They have a basic uniform – jeans, sweatshirt; yoga pants, t-shirt—or eat the same things for lunch every day (honestly, I once ate a bologna and cheese sandwich every day for nearly a year – as an adult) and in so doing we ‘save’ decision-making energy for the creative process.
I’m sure you’ve seen ‘writers’ at conferences or literary events. They wear hats with feathers. Or dress in cobwebby black clothes or loud, flashy colors that scream ‘I am creative, take me seriously!’ Only…the real writers I know? When they’re writing, you never see them. Or if you did, you’d never know. You’d think (using myself as an example here): who’s that hag of a woman in dire need of a haircut? Can she not just take an extra minute to make an effort?
Just so you know, I lived in Paris for 4 years and I can tie a scarf like nobody’s business. But when I’m writing? Scarf schmarf! Who cares about scarves. When I’m not writing? I put my creative energy towards external things. I pull all those scarves out again (I clean up well) and I cook pretty awesome food and I go out and explore the world.
So what are you putting your energy toward? Looking or being?