You can write anywhere. Both literally and figuratively. Don’t be one of those people who swear if they could just get away for a week or two to a cabin somewhere in the woods…or if they just had a space of their own…or if the kids would just be quiet or the dog would stop barking or if the house wasn’t quite such a mess then they’d be able to write.
See, the thing about writing is that it’s a very simple activity that doesn’t require a lot of supplies. The real reason those people I mentioned don’t write? It’s because they just don’t want to. They like the idea of writing more than actually writing.
But you do want to write, right? So go on. Do it. Wherever you are, that’s where you can write. That’s what I’ve got for the ‘literal’ part. For the ‘figurative’? You can start writing at the beginning of the story, start at the end or anywhere in between. You can write chronologically or jump around. At any point during the process. No one is watching. The important thing is just to write. That’s what cut and paste is for. Generally, I just write the scenes that come to me, placing them about where I *think* they might end up. About 2/3 of the way through my manuscript, I spend a day putting them all in order.
It’s your novel. Write it the way you want to.